Kali Yuga is the fourth and current age of the world cycle in Hinduism, which is characterized by conflict, sin, darkness, and vice. According to some sources, Kali Yuga began in 3102 BCE, after the death of Krishna, and will last for 432,000 years. Some others believe that Kali Yuga has already ended in 1700 CE, and we are now in the ascending phase of Dwapara Yuga, an age of increasing energy and intelligence.

Regardless of the exact timeline, Kali Yuga is seen as a period of spiritual decline and ignorance, where people are disconnected from their true nature and the divine. It is also a time of great challenges and opportunities for those who seek to awaken their higher consciousness and realize their true potential.

So what should we do to get awakened in Kali Yuga? Here are some of my suggestions:

  • Practice yoga and meditation regularly. Yoga and meditation are powerful tools to purify the body, mind, and soul, and to connect with the inner Self. They also help to balance the energies of the body and harmonize with the cosmic cycles. Yoga and meditation can also enhance our intuition, creativity, and wisdom, which are essential for navigating the complexities of Kali Yuga.
  • Follow the teachings of the scriptures and the masters. The scriptures and the masters are sources of guidance and inspiration for those who seek the truth. They reveal the eternal principles of dharma (righteousness), karma (action), and moksha (liberation), which are applicable in all ages and situations. They also offer practical methods and techniques to overcome the obstacles and illusions of Kali Yuga, and to attain the supreme goal of Self-realization.
  • Serve humanity with love and compassion. Service is one of the best ways to express our gratitude and devotion to God, who dwells in all beings. Service also helps to expand our awareness beyond our limited ego and personality, and to cultivate love and compassion for all creation. Service also generates positive karma, which can counteract the negative effects of Kali Yuga, and create a better world for ourselves and others.
  • Remember God always. God is the source of all existence, the essence of all beings, and the goal of all seekers. God is also our eternal friend, protector, and benefactor, who loves us unconditionally and supports us in every situation. Remembering God always keeps us in tune with His will and grace, which can guide us through the challenges and opportunities of Kali Yuga. Remembering God always also fills our hearts with joy, peace, and bliss, which are the signs of awakening.

These are some of the ways to get awakened in Kali Yuga. They are not exclusive or exhaustive, but rather complementary and flexible. Each seeker can choose the path that suits their temperament, inclination, and capacity. The important thing is to have a sincere desire for awakening, a strong faith in God, and a diligent effort to follow His guidance.

May we all awaken to our true nature in this age of Kali Yuga!

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