Telegram, the popular messaging app, has recently launched a new feature that allows users to create and join video conferences. This feature is available on both mobile and desktop versions of the app and supports up to 1,000 participants in a single call. Users can also share their screen, use noise cancellation, and switch between portrait and landscape modes.
Video Conferencing
To create a video conference, users need to tap on the video icon in any group chat, or create a new voice chat and then enable video. To join a video conference, users need to tap on the banner at the top of the group chat, or follow the invite link sent by the host. Users can also pin a speaker to see them in full screen, or swipe left and right to switch between different speakers.

Telegram’s video conferencing feature is designed to be fast, secure, and easy to use. It also offers some unique features, such as:
- Animated backgrounds: Users can choose from a variety of animated backgrounds that change colors and patterns as they chat.
- Video messages 2.0: Users can record and send video messages that are high-quality and can be expanded to full screen.
- Video playback speed: Users can adjust the playback speed of any video they watch on Telegram, from 0.5x to 2x.
- Timestamps: Users can create timestamps for any video or audio message by tapping on the timer while recording. This will create a link that will start playing the message from that point.
- Auto-delete timer: Users can set a timer for any message they send, from 1 second to 1 month, after which the message will be automatically deleted.
Telegram’s video conferencing feature is a welcome addition to the app’s already impressive suite of features. It is expected to compete with other popular video conferencing platforms, such as Zoom, Google Meet, and Skype. Telegram claims that its feature is more secure and reliable than its rivals, as it uses end-to-end encryption and cloud-based technology. Whether this is true or not remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: Telegram’s video conferencing feature is worth trying out.